On Friday we will release the first song ‘Lethe’ from my upcoming album ‘The Garden’. Today we have a video release at Hymn! Love and thank you Albin Biblom and Nils Fridén for the beautiful video! Special thanks and love to the musicians working and helping me with the production for ‘Lethe’. My appreciation for you guys is much greater than these words.❤️ Linus Andersson Jon Bordon Emma Pavlovic Svensson, Christian Hutchison Berg, Christoffer Stannow. And thank you Novoton and Liza Berthelsen.
Written and produced by Katharina Nuttall
Poem by Charles Baudelaire (Charles Dillon)
Mix: Jon Bordon
Co-mix: Linus Andersson
Mastering: Christoffer Stannow
Musicians: Linus Andersson, Jon Bordon, Christian Berg, Emma Pavlovic Svensson and Katharina Nuttall.
Photo: Albin Biblom
Graphic Design: Daggan
Video: Directed by Albin Biblom
Grade: Nils Fridén
Recordlabel: Novoton
Press: Liza Berthelsen